Jul 2, 2024 | Kansas Farms & Land Ownership News, Property Tax
Appraisal Values Just Don’t Add Up
For two years, Kansas Property Owners have tried to make sense of property tax statements that reflect increased values in property that are driving tax bills into the danger zone for many Kansas Families. Who Determines that increased value resembles a game of Ping Pong between County Assessors, County Commissioners, Members of the Kansas Legislature, and the Kansas Department of Revenue Property Assessment Value Director David Harper. Who and Why isn’t the only things murky about answers given to property owners that protest the values, it becomes even muddier when examining the changes to the appraisal process that has been the best-kept secret of the Kelly Administration.
The Big Lie: Fair vs Equitable
The NEW SYSTEM is riddled with changes in statutes. Here is the Short Version: How Kansas became the state that is taxing property owners off their land in the name of EQUITY. The cast of perpetrators include Governor Laura Kelly’s adopted Justice 40 Initiative from the Biden Green New Deal, Kansas Department of Revenue Property Assessment Value Director David Harper, a software company instrumental in building a Cloud base data systems with AI capabilities named Tyler Technology Inc., grant funder Kansas Information Network (INK) Board, the Kansas Department of Revenue’s Data collecting Tool called KANPAY, and a host of legislative bills that codified this into law by the Kansas Legislature.
Is The NEW Appraisal System Redistributing Wealth?
This Mass Appraisal values generated by Computer Software by Tyler Technology comes with a host of critics and legal challenges. See Below With the collusion of government bodies with this kind of weaponry, will be the largest transfer of private wealth to government coiffures in Kansas history. Sooner or later the burden becomes to heavy a load and history will not be forgiving to those that have accomplished this redistribution of wealth in the name of EQUITY. In 2022 alone, this project generated $5 Billion of New Tax Dollars and removed those dollars from local economies that were already hurting from Inflation and Lock Downs. ISN’T it time for a Constitutional Amendment for Taxpayers to Vote ON? Make the Call Today Bring The Legislature Back To Work!
Selling Personal Data For Profit, No Disclosure
Property Tax or a Social Justice Taxing System
What does the Appraisal System Looks Like Now? KDOR has a weapon: “Orion CAMA (Computer-assisted Mass Appraisal System)”, a powerful cloud-based system designed to increase the information collected on Kansans through grants. The grant funding for the project is based on information or deliverables on amounts of data that will create an E-Government system that can connect the 105 County governments. This funding is approved by Kansas INK and that data will drive programs like Assessment Connect designed by Tyler Technology Inc. “Assessment Connect” will generates profiles for tax purposes and determine market values of Kansan’s property.
What Tax Will Be Next: ESG?
This capability would make the GIS-ORION CAMA system capable of reappraising property in real-time not annually. This sophisticated database will be providing access to your information by other agencies. Of course there will be a cost for access to taxpayers data that will generate for NEW service projects, initiatives, and Special Programs to increase tax revenue all in the name of Equity. According to this statement on Tyler Technology’s Website by KDOR’s director of Property and Valuation says it all when it comes to your property:
“The 1.7 Million parcels of land, water, minerals, and resources are captured in a “data pipeline” with the help of 91 Kansas Counties to share and make the data available to all professional service companies that would be needed to build all the API’s, the subscription fee would be in the range of $550,000-$600,000 annually” stated David Harper. The List of Statute changes required for the New Appraisal System can be viewed in a report presented to the Kansas Legislative LEADERSHIP on Nov. 18 2022 and In the Report prepared by KDOR included Statutes that would have to be changed. Read More HERE: In two short years property owners in Kansas find themselves at the mercy of BIG GOVERNMENT having their data information and property exposed publicly.
The “LAND GRAB” Is The New Gold Rush
Landowners have already experienced the “Land Grab” from their information in the Hands of Associations that represent Land Acquisition. Investors locating such things as Solar Utility search the data pipeline to identify properties that are under water. Locating a property with back taxes, or properties placed in the 52 COUNTY LANDBANKS, or looking for leasing land from out of state owners has become effortless. Game On for TARGETING Taxpayers! Isn’t it Time For some Honesty and Transparency in Topeka! ISN’T it time for a Constitutional Amendment that allows Taxpayers a Voice, a Vote? Are you ready to take a STAND?
Make the Call or Sign the PETITION Today
Bring The Legislature Back To Work!
When Property Tax Decisions Were Local Decisions
Prior to all this chaos, the Kansas Appraisal and Property Tax Procedures adopted by Counties to keep Property Tax in line with county budgets was always directed by the County Appraiser’s office. Appraisals were conducted on around 17% of the property parcels in the county each year. Those 17% of parcels were then evaluated for changes to the Property due to construction, improvements, land use, and sales comparatives and then recorded in the CAMA Mapping System to keep property information current. In short, appraisal changes on any property were updated every six years. Property owners with no intention of ever selling were reviewed every six years. Fair or Not, property owners could find their way to the County Appraiser’s Office and get an answer to appraisal changes that made sense.
May 7, 2024 | Kansas Farms & Land Ownership News
No Transparency Has Consequences
Landowners of Kansas are good stewards to the landscape and keep Kansas landscape free of over development of transmission lines. The Commission has held two public hearings and have heard the Clear Message from Kansans, “We will Stand For Our Land at the Cost of Eminent domain.” This Commission has been the Gate Keeper for Over Reaching Regulations, Protecting Utility Customers from High Rates that Hurt Families, and Enforcing the State Statutes for a Open Public Transparent Process.
We ask Commissioners To Stand With Kansas Land Owners and Reject the harmful Siting Plan Proposed by NextEra Southwest in Docket 23-NETE-585-STG and Reconsider the Need For This Project. 1.6 Million Acre Impact for a 96 Miles 345kV Transmission Line that does not Benefit Kansas is Just The Beginning Nightmare of the Industrial Expansion of more Lines, more Solar, Wind, more Storage, and Higher Utility Rates for Citizens. We Ask the Commissioners To Stand 4 The Land and Put Kansas First. Thank You!
Why Every Kansan Should Engage in the Public Conversation
What will be the future of Kansas will be determined by Her people and that picture can only be painted by property owners that understand it is ownership of land that inherently secures the individuals rights. The framers of the Constitution treated private property as the cornerstone of a free society and Kansas should do the same. Engaging in the process at the local level will shape the future of our cities, towns and counties. Contact us if we can possibly guide you to resources!
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Mar 18, 2024 | Legislation to Pay Attention To
HB 2527 made it through the House and will be heard by the Senate on Monday March 18, 2024.
HEARING: MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024, 1:30 PM ROOM 548-S
This Bill at the request of Evergy is a gift to Evergy and has so many loose ends that have not been addressed in the revisers notes. Starting with deductions, recouping depreciation, dictating who will receive Economic Development Incentives in the way of discounted electricity, and given authority to establish new procedures in rate cases that leaves KCC and the Kansas Utility Rate Board under the guidelines established by Evergy. Costs that were not allowed in Rate Hearings would now be considered and the KCC has no power to intervene in the proceedings.
Evergy would have the authority to determine new power production if built and recoup construction cost in the form of allowable taxiing procedures which will end up on the backs of ratepayers. Oh, Don’t forget the decommissioning cost of old plants and loan programs that were previously set up during the merger of West Star and KCPL..
There is a lot of untransparent language and ambiguous words that will probably be exposed down the road and there are so many power struggles between KCC, SPP, & KS Energy producers playing out at this moment to move too fast.
Things to remember about Evergy that have surfaced in the last two years are:
- Evergy was formed to eliminate duplicate services and are a necessary monopoly with protected territories that Kansas Regulators gave the
- Evergy is run by a Board of Stockholders that are not Kansans run by controlling stockholders like BlackRock & VanGuard. (These Hedge Funds also control Spirit, Boeing, Nextera (NEET who also receive those Electric Rate Deals) Those cost are recouped on the backs of ratepayers.
- Evergy Controls the Wolf Creek Nuclear Plant which is operating at below 48% capacity (inefficiency will age the life expectancy) and causing utility rates to remain high.
- Evergy is a Zero Carbon Company and as Intermittent Renewables go online, Kansas will lose Base Load Power Producing Plants that deliver Affordable Reliable Electric as stipulated in the SPP’s Plan. There is no guarantee that this bill will accelerate retirement.
- Evergy is orchestrating and facilitating some questionable actions with their Service Area and the Kansas Electrical COOPs in Kansas. Swapping Service area with COOPS allows the COOPS to submit to the KCC Applications to become a Utility of Kansas with Eminent Domain power. WHY? Renewable Energy will require land and landowners are facing 1.8 Million Acres of Farm Ground in 63 County’s being at Risk to accommodate Industrial Solar Wind Battery. Abatements of these solar fields will cause other taxpayers to burden the cost and County Commissioners are being taxed with decisions that have consequences for all.
- Evergy is a MO based Corporation and delivers Power to the SPP allowing them to direct the power to wherever and to whom they deem recipient. A Market based commodity that Kansas Customers may find themselves last inline as in the situation with Storm Uri where Power was shipped to Texas leaving Kansas and Missouri in the Dark with big Bills.
I am asking you to call your Senator or the Senate Committee members and Kill this Bill in Committee. SCHEDULE
We appreciate the time you have taken to stay informed and engaged. We will respond as quickly as possible and hope we see you along the way. Leave a detailed message or a phone number or visit us at www.stand4thelandkansas.com Hope to see you on the trail and remember: Your voice matters!
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Mar 16, 2024 | Freedom and Human Rights, Uncategorized
We have learned through the hearings on a special (Interconnection Queue Transmission Line 357kVBlackberry/Wolf Creek) that the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has relinquished their power of Cost Allocation to the SPP and during the CCN ( Certificate of Convenience & Necessity) licensing hearing for Nextera Transmission LLC, the KCC relinquished their rights to oversee the licensing to the SPP.
Examples of warehouses in Galesbury, KS and Parsons, KS stocked with thousands of solar panels manufactured by Trinasolar Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
Setting precedence of this magnitude over the control of our electrical grid and the authority that exist in statute for our security of affordable, reliable electric has allowed the Federal Government to dictate our future. Now the KCC would only intercede for the purpose of eminent domain for numerous Interconnect Queue Transmission Lines in Siting Request because basically the KCC has weaponized Utility Companies with Eminent Domain Authority.
View the docket of approved Green Projects for Kansas that will move thousands of acres of farmland from 63 Counties to the Industrial & Solar tax exempt status.
Linn County alone will lose over 10,000 acres of prime farm land to Solar alone with Battery Storage Sites that are of a undisclosed design. In perspective that would be the size of 4 Truman Sports Complexes with estimated 50 million panels 7 foot high to general over a Giga Watt of Solar Power.
The pressure is on County Commissioners that are not well informed and will be signing up for a lot of unknowns for landowners. It is time for our Kansas Congressional Envoy (both Republican and Democrat) to intercede in this Bidenomics experiment.
Boots on the ground are needed to pressure Attorney General Kris Kobach to use whatever tools he has to secure land ownership.
The numerous Special Transmission Lines will be the next shoe to drop on Landowners that are facing high taxes on increased assessed values, inflationary prices on farming, and a cost of living that removing $10K from family budgets.
Click Here to view Citizen Virginia Macha’s research into the issue of solar panels being stored and used in Kansas that may be tied to unethical treatment of humans. And her request to Congress to investigate violations of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act as it pertains to storage and intended use of solar panels in the state of Kansas.
“I am submitting this request of our congressional delegation to investigate the storage and use of Solar Panels that arrived in our State of Kansas during and after December of 2021. Currently the storage of such Solar Panels that could violate federal law and trade agreements are located at the detailed descriptions in the attached letter. Violations if found of any company or party should be pursued and confiscation of products that violate the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act should be immediate. Violation of Human Rights must be taken seriously and it is the Job of each one of us to Stand Up Against this kind of atrocity. It is also jobs to educate the public, promote awareness of atrocities, and offer our Voices when those that cannot speak are being silenced”.
Virgina Macha – Resident of Allen County, KS
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Feb 19, 2024 | Legislation to Pay Attention To
SB 312 Would Have REQUIRE Cases of Eminent Domain would begin at the Local Level of County Commissioners before LandOwners started racking up Legal Fees to Battle for their Land Rights. Starting a process at a local level is where better decisions are made for Landowners, not Special Interest Profits. Sb312 was not worked by the committee on the final deadline day to get a bill out of Committee, but on the Floor of the Senate, SB312 reared it’s head as an amendment from the floor to be attached to the HB2225 Nextera Bill. Thank you Sen. Tim Shallenberger for a valiant attempt to amend from the floor and the exciting scuttle for leadership to quickly rule it non-germaine was an extra treat. See the video Here:
Late in the Session, SB312 was a Hail Mary for SEKS Landowners that find themselves entangled with a Global Carbon Zero Company, Nextera Transmission, who was given the power of Eminent Domain in 2022 by the Kansas Corporation commission. The hearing held by the Senate Local Government Committee on March 23 was a BIG ATTRACTION for the 50 plus Lobbyist representing interest in taking your land. Testimony was limited to 2 minutes, which is quite a feat for landowners to cram in 18 months of living @@@ to talk about their experience.
Catch the Hearing here: The highlights for observers to walk away with was the toxic enviroment that has been created for Freedom, Individual Rights, and plain old Common Sense. Thank all those that submitted testimony to support SB312, especially those that appeared in person, Marci Laffner, Andover, Rochelle Smart, Garnett, Dean Davied, Girard, Farm Bureau, Kansas Livestock Association, and Representative Carrie Barth.
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