Hearing on 2024RS0014 To Put A Lid On Property Taxes
Senate Committee on Assessment & Tax held a Hearing on 2024RS0014, with Senator Caryn Tyson, Parker, Senator Molly Baumgardner, Louisburg, Senator Chase Blasi, Wichita, Senator Mike Thompson, Shawnee, all weighed in during the testimony. All expressing their concerns that property values. The changes to Kansas appraisal system that resulted in inflated property values has risen to be the top issue in Kansas.
Letting Property Owners Decide
Kansas Livestock Association took the only opponent position with a jack wagon roundabout demonstration. KLA submised that the amendment would only increase taxes by shifting burden among the other tax classes like Agriculture. “Our position of our members is that shift the funding of schools away from being funded by property tax” stated Lobbyist Aaron Papaika. Sen. Baumgardner questioned if that was really the stance of the KLA members? Sen. Baumgardner ended with “So it is the of position of Kansas Livestock Association to NOT fund to Education?”
Commissioner Mike Steiben, Leavenworth County, presented a letter of support by all five commissioners encouraging leadership to pass this Resolution to a vote. Rural Counties like Miami and Linn have seen as much as a 44% increase in Property valuation. Those increases cannot be absorbed by property owners. There would be support for this solution.
Kansas is not the only state where property owners are feeling the pinch and those states are finding avenues for property relief according to Lanell Griffith.
Stand 4 The Land Kansas thanks the Senators, the Citizens who took the time to testify, the Commissioner who support the Amendment, and all the Property Owners who made the Call to Leadership without success. It is those small courageous actions that push the needle for Freedom back on track.
In Liberty Always
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